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Australia’s oldest and most effective business councils


The Australia-Taiwan Business Council Limited (ATBC, is one of Australia’s oldest and most effective business councils.

Established in 1983, the ATBC set itself the goal of being Australia’s most commercially astute, professional, discreet and effective organisation promoting the nation’s interests in east Asia.

In the absence of diplomatic relations between Australia and Taiwan the ATBC has added strength, depth and resilience to links between the two countries.

For almost forty years, ATBC has worked in the interests of its members and in an effective partnership with Austrade, DFAT and other federal and state government agencies, fostering business between Australia and Taiwan. ATBC has a strong record of achievement, recognised by national and sub-national governments and business communities in both countries.

The ATBC is a not-for profit company, limited by guarantee.

The main aims of the ATBC are to:

  • Help members achieve their business goals in Taiwan.
  • Enhance the infrastructure supporting commercial and other relations between Australia and Taiwan. For example, for several years, ATBC has been encouraging the federal government to give priority to negotiating an FTA-like arrangement with Taiwan.  Without one, many of our members are suffering competitive disadvantages, particularly in respect of New Zealand.
  • Encourage the governments of the two countries to adopt policies and programs that help bilateral trade and investment reach its full potential.
  • Foster closer cooperation between the mainstream business community and business migrants from Taiwan.

The ATBC provides the following member services:

  • Advocacy, access, introductions and influence;
  • Access to and influence with Taiwan and Australian governments at high levels;
  • Regular input to the Australian Government’s deliberations about Taiwan;
  • Invitations to regular boardroom lunches addressed by influential political and business leaders, providing valuable insights and networking opportunities.
  • Regular access to business information and analysis;
  • An annual Joint Conference with the ATBC’s Taiwan counterpart, the ROC-Australia Business Council (ROCABC) – bringing together business, government and community leaders of the two countries;
  • Introductions to Taiwan business leaders and officials, including those based in Australia;
  • Business seminars and other events around Australia;
  • Business missions to Taiwan; and
  • Access to quality research services provided by the ATBC’s team of intern

Our board and management

The Board

Mr John Toigo

Hon Gary Hardgrave

Hon Gary Hardgrave

Vice Chair
Rowan Callick

Mr Rowan Callick OBE

Vice Chair

Ms Eliza Chui

Vice Chair
Mrs Ching-Mei Maddock

Mrs Ching-Mei Maddock

Managing Director/CEO

Mr Jamy Cheng

Hon Treasurer

National Committee

Mr Christopher Campbell

Academies Australasia Group Ltd – Education
Mr Tony Eyres

Mr Tony Eyres

Rounding Up Pty Ltd – Agribusiness
Mr David Lee of ANZ (Taiwan) Pty Ltd

Mr David Leong

ANZ Taiwan – Finance/Banking
Mr Rox Wong

Mr Rox Wong

Macquarie Group Taiwan – Investment/Banking

Mr Nathan Scholz

Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Ltd – Food

Mr Jeff McAlister

Invest Gold Coast Pty Ltd – Economic development/ General Strategic

Mr Brett Moore

Renewal/Innovation/International trade & Investment

Former Chairs

The late Sir Charles Court AK KCMG OBE (1983 -1987) – Founding Chair

The late Sir Robert Cotton AO KCMG (1987-1988)

Mr Ken Court AM (1989 -1992)

Mr Jack Cowin (1993 -1995)

Mr Maurice L Newman AC (1996 -1999)

The Rt Hon Ian Sinclair AC (2000 -2007)

The late Ross Maddock OAM (2008 -2017)

Senior Advisors

Mr Jason Chien Sung Lin – MIT Chartering Pty Ltd National Policy Advisor to the Officer of President, ROC (Taiwan)

Dr David Chiu JP – Auspac Group

Mr Cliff Barker – Barker & Associates

National Partner

Australian Trade Commission (AUSTRADE)

State Partner

Investment NSW
Trade and Investment Queensland

Local Partner

Gold Coast City Council

Sir Charles Court Award

For an outstanding contribution to the Australia-Taiwan Relations

Mr Theodore Huang
TECO Electric and Machinery
2002 (Inaugural)

H E Ambassador David Dawei Lee

Mr Ross Maddock OAM

Mr David Chiu & Ms Ligi Lee
The Sundale Group

Dr Jo-Chi Tsou
China Steel Corporation (CSC)

H E Ambassador Elloitt Y. L. Charng

Mr Edward Chen
Taiwan Power Corporation

Mr Henry Kao
I-Mei Foods Co. Ltd

Yu Shan Award

For towering contributions to the ATBC

Mr John Kean OAM
2017 (Inaugural)

Chairman's Award

For outstanding contributions to the ATBC

Ms Margaret Wang
Clayton Utz
2013 (Inaugural)

Mr Cliff Barker
Barker & Associates

Mr Anker Hung
Minatek Pty Ltd

Dr Chyi-Chin Wang
China Steel Corporation (CSC)

Mr Baden Chao-Liang Lin
Ms Nadia Yun-Ju Huang
Mr Jerry Hsien-Jung Huang
Gene Company Pty Ltd